A two day workshop on Patent Filing, Drafting and Processing in the CTAE, MPUAT. The workshop ws inaugurated on Thursday at 10AM in the college premises. Secure Meters’ Sanjay Singhal, Chief Guest at the event, said in his opening address that the success of a Patent filing depends more on the draft of the filing rather than anything else. He further added that there have been continuous inventions in the various R&D labs across the country under the management of Government or private entities. However, the focus in our case is more on the publication of the research rather than on Patent filing of the findings. He also said that it is important to commercialise the process of Patent Filing, saying that most Patent Attorneys from the general Law sector, thereby not being able to comprehend the importance or relevance behind the inventions. Professor Uma Shankar Sharma, VC of MPUAT thanked the participants and in his address said that the topic being discussed in the workshop was of upmost relevance to the technical professionals more than anybody else. He said that Patent is the right of an inventor and all engineers and scientists at MPUAT must ensure that their work is recognized through patent filing. He further added that the successful patent filing is dependent on a reasonable offer as well as its technical feasibility. The assistance of various agencies and consultants is preferred so as to understand the various of aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. Executive Dean CTAE, Prof. BP Nandwana, in his welcome address, introduced the participants to the developments and achievements of CTAE in past years. Organizing Secretary DR. SM Mathur explained about the importance of Patent and elaborated on the various difficulties that are encountered while filing patents. He added that the participation of around 110 persons from across the country in this workshop will be helpful to research and development activities. Participants in the workshop included officers from the Patent Department, DSER Scientists, Eminent Scientists from IIT-BHU, who spoke at length on Patent related issues. Two inventors from CTAE Innovation Centre were awarded on the occasion. Omprakash Beniwal was presented an award for designing a machine that is capable of segregated various components of Blood, while Neha was awarded for the design of an eco-friendly urinal. Both scientists have been awarded earlier for these inventions during an exhibition in Bengaluru. VC MPUAT and Salil Singhal also launched a CD on the occasion, which consisted of the talks given by all the participants in the event. The CD will be useful for any individual or institution in filing a patent.