Many Indians just know that Ambedkar Jayanti is a national holiday as it’s the birth anniversary of Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. Well that’s correct, but there is a long queue of lessons to be learnt by the great man’s life. Which are hidden beneath the dust of our golden History. Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar who is also known as “babasaheb”, is renowned for fighting against untouchability throughout his life.

The revolutionary revivalist stepped into this world (which is full of discrimination) in 14
th April 1891 in MHOW (Madhya Pradesh). He has contributed a lot for the uprising country. Specially in the formation of our Indian Constitution. He was the Chairman of constitution drafting committee. The Harijans (who were considered as the most deprived and low caste of society), were specially benefitted by his revolutionary trials of movements. Today, they are doing wonders everywhere, they can be seen at the high designations in the Indian Administrative services & many more. Here are the few qualities of Ambedkar, which may send a message to the mass.
Importance of Education:
On any road or intersections in India, we can find a bespectacled statue holding a book in his hand, which depicts his keenness for education. He changed the orthodox perspective of discrimination which was deeply rooted in
Hindu caste system, including 4 varnas (Sections). Being from a poor Mahar (a untouchable caste in that times.) family, he always dreamt of equality in society. He was firm headed that he would turn the history of the nation. He chose Education as the weapon to blow on the society. He knew that the power of high education can do wonders. He researched Political Science, Law, and Economics from Columbia University & London School of Commerce. In today’s turbulent times, when our nation needs full literacy rates in order to be a developed one. Education is a must. To achieve the trophy of Developed country, our first step should be towards education.
Casteless Society & Equal Opportunity for All:
Dr. Ambedkar belonged to the lowest caste according to those times. People were not allowed to touch the public water source (wells & faucets). If someone touched, was beaten brutally. Babasaheb faced this cruel treatment. Which made him restless and more determined to solve the puzzle of castes in the society. This thought triggered his passion to do something in life to uplift the condition of those castes which were considered as untouchable in those times. Since this was the main motto of his life. He always voiced his thoughts in the masses to ignite the fire & passion for unity and to develop the humility for mankind. He also emphasized that opportunities (for employment, social status & human rights) should be provided equally to each and every caste without any discrimination. The dalit (low caste) boy faced immense insult due to monster of caste based society. And the same boy became the first law minister of the nation. Stiil India is not totally free from the cancer of caste. Just minor rectifications have occurred in the society. The dalits have been included as the part of mainstream society. But still the whole India needs to be open minded about castes. As Caste is the burning issue which is kicking up fuss in India.
Unbeatable Determination:
The statue which can be seen at every crossroad of our nation, says many things beyond just education. As his firm posture, with a book in one hand and one finger is raised in another hand that denotes indomitable determination, come what may. The list goes on. He is like a light in the dark for our nation. His role in the establishment of Reserve Bank of India (RBI), reformation of Hindu social order, issue of Pakistan, labour policy, electricity and water policy, Damodar valley project, Hirakund project, The Sone River valley project, and post war economic plan (IInd world war) etc are little known to people. Such a versatile personality he was. So lets pay homage to this great man on his birth anniversary.