Whilst the preparations for the first and biggest international architecture festival are underway in Udaipur, the last date for the Design Competition House on the Lake is just two days away.
11:59pm on 10 Dec, 2020 is the last minute that submissions for the above contest will be accepted by the stakeholders at the Udaipur Architecture Festival.
A creative brain never rests – creativity is a form of self-expression for a designer.
Design, is a retreat for a designer that gives rest to the persistent creativity that flows into her/him. We would like to see unconventional spaces that relaxes yet stirs enough to provide creative fodder. One particular element is employing natural stone as medium of expression.
Minimum requirements for the submission:
Bedroom | Multi-functional living area | Studio | Storage | Space to sleep under the stars | Hammocks | Terraces and Decks | Jetty | Landscape areas | Service Areas
Submission guidelines:
Submission format:
Submission via mail:
Please visit www.udaipurarchitecturefestival.in to download supporting material
ASAP Foundation as the competition organizer, reserves the right to modify the competition schedule if deemed necessary
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