Udaipur to Galiakot, 152km Journey on Foot by Dawoodi Bohras

Udaipur to Galiakot, 152km Journey on Foot by Dawoodi Bohras

Today, 152 Dawoodi Bohra men will walk nearly 152kms in a 3 day long journey started from Udaipur to Galiakot to pay homage at the shrine of Syedna Kutbuddin at Galiakot, near Sagwara.


Nearly a month before the 100th birthday of Dawoodi Bohra spiritual leader, various community and social programs  are lined up. The 52nd spiritual leader of dawoodi bohras, Dr. Syedna Mohammad Burhannudin will turn 100 on 25th March 2011. Bohras are overjoyed and preparing to celebrate the  big day.

Today, 152 Dawoodi Bohra men will walk nearly 152kms in a 3 day long journey started from Udaipur to Galiakot to pay homage at the shrine of Syedna Fakhruddin at Galiakot, near Sagwara.

In the joint association of Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat Udaipur and Anjuman-e-Azaa-e Hussain, more than hundred, approx 152 members of the community will walk to galiakot to pray for the long and healthy life of their 52nd Dai (religious leader) Syedna Mohammad Burhannudin.

Early this morning hundreds of bohras gathered outside moyadpura mosque to participate in small procession leads by the community band marching while playing a beautiful rhythm. Procession was attended by religious dignitaries and community members to say good-bye to the group of devotees.

Udaipur to Galiakot, 152km Journey on Foot by Dawoodi Bohras Udaipur to Galiakot, 152km Journey on Foot by Dawoodi Bohras Udaipur to Galiakot, 152km Journey on Foot by Dawoodi Bohras Udaipur to Galiakot, 152km Journey on Foot by Dawoodi Bohras

Aamil Sheikh Mustafa Bhai (center in photo above) with the guest of honor Mrs. Rajni Dangi – Chairman ( in photo above), Municipal Council, Udaipur were also present in the procession.

Group of 152 walkers will first go the shrine of Khanjipheer and continue their journey till their first short stopover at dhol ki pati, the group will stay 3 nights at different locations Palodra- Aaspur – Sagwara before reaching their final destination Galiakot on 27th February where a small religious meeting is going to be held.

Dawoodi Bohras are one of the various sub sects of Ismaili Shias, there are more than 15000 dawoodi bohras in Udaipur.

Photos by: Sayeed Ahmed

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