Udaipur's Sonia Keswani and TUshar Arora win the Toastmaster International Area level speech contest

Udaipur's Sonia Keswani and TUshar Arora win the Toastmaster International Area level speech contest

Udaipur's Sonia Keswani and TUshar Arora win the Toastmaster International Area level speech contest

Toastmasters community of Udaipur and Jodhpur conducted its Table Topics Contest and Evaluation Speech Contest online. The club level winners of Udaipur Toastmasters Club, Jodhpur Toastmasters Club, Techno Ariston and Silvertongues, IIM Udaipur represented their clubs in the contest to make it successful.

Contest was conducted under the able guidance of Toastmaster International's Udaipur Area Director TM Tahir Lukkawala as the Chief Judge and his secret panel of judges, TM Priyadarshni from Jamshedpur as the Contest Chair , assisted by TM Eakansh Jain as Tech Master, TM Ranish Mehta as the Timer and TM Anupam Jha as the Sergeant at Arms.

For Table Topics Contest TM Tushar Arora became the Area Level Winner, DTM Sonia Keswani as the First Runner Up and TM Karanpreet Kaur as the Second Runner Up.

For Evaluation Speech Contest DTM Sonia became the Winner, TM Tushar Arora as the First Runner Up and TM Shanu Lodha as the Second Runner Up, by giving evaluation and feedback for test speaker TM Vinod Lohar's speech

Winners and first runner ups will now represent the Udaipur and Jodhpur area at Division level contests that will be held at Rajasthan level.

To get more details about joining a Toastmasters Club contact udaipurtoastmasters@gmail.com or call on 8233698752

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