On Saturday, October 22, 2022 on the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras, Akash Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Jio Infocomm paid a visit to Lord Shrinathji's Temple. Akash Ambani and his wife Shloka Ambani launched Jio 5G internet service, a historic innovation in the area of telecommunications with the blessings of Lord Indra Daman.
Vishal Bawa also highlighted the benefits and technological advancements. He elaborated the Ambani family's respect for and belief in Lord Shrinathji and Lord Tilakayat. Mukesh Ambani applauded the inauguration of 5G. Vishal Bawa blessed Akash Ambani and Shloka Ambani by giving them clothes, quilts, and offerings.
The 5G services were launched on the touch of a button at an event in Moti Mahal. 20 towers have reportedly been erected for enabling 5G services across locations in Nathdwara. Reportedly, Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries traveled to Nathdwara in earlier get Lord Shrinathji's blessings before launching 4G service.
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