Concerns have arisen in Swami Nagar, near UDA area’s private hospital surroundings, as bags filled with biomedical waste and urine were discovered in the open. There is also a rise in the number of illegal guest houses in which hospital patients are staying. Residents have alerted UDA Commissioner Rahul Jain about this. Following his orders, a team conducted an investigation revealing shocking discoveries.
Improper Waste Disposal
Bags filled with biomedical waste and urine were discovered strewn across the area near the private hospital. Despite regulations mandating proper disposal, the waste remained in open spaces, posing health hazards to residents.
Following the commissioner's orders, a team conducted an investigation, revealing that several houses were operating as unregistered guest houses, catering to female patients from the hospital. These houses were identified as the source of the discarded medical waste.
Despite being located in a posh area, Swami Nagar faces issues with garbage dumping in empty plots, exacerbating concerns about waste mismanagement in the locality.
Further investigations into Neelkanth Hospital revealed that while the hospital staff claimed the waste was collected daily by a contractor, surrounding residents disclosed that many houses in the vicinity were functioning as guest houses, accommodating patients and medical personnel. Most of the biomedical waste found on the streets originated from these unregulated establishments.
Violation of Regulations
The incident highlights a blatant disregard for waste disposal regulations, including the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules of 1998, set forth by the central government for environmental conservation. Both private and government hospitals are mandated to adhere to these rules, prohibiting the disposal of biomedical waste in open spaces, roads, or local landfills.
Authorities emphasize the urgent need for strict enforcement of waste disposal laws to prevent further environmental degradation and public health risks posed by irresponsible waste management practices.
Source: Rajasthan Patrika
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