CBSE Issues Show-Cause Notices to 27 Schools in Rajasthan and Delhi

CBSE Issues Show-Cause Notices to 27 Schools in Rajasthan and Delhi

Some schools had enrolled more students in Class XI and XII than the actual number of students physically attending classes...

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has taken decisive action against 27 schools in Rajasthan and Delhi for violating the Board’s Bye-Laws, highlighting serious concerns about school management practices. This action followed surprise inspections conducted by the CBSE, aimed at assessing compliance with its regulations and ensuring that schools are following proper procedures.

What Does the Inspection Revealed?

During these inspections, CBSE officials discovered several alarming issues. Some schools had enrolled more students in Class XI and XII than the actual number of students physically attending classes. This discrepancy in enrollment numbers raised red flags about potential irregularities, suggesting that these schools may have been inflating their student figures for various reasons. Additionally, problems with attendance records were uncovered, leading to concerns about how accurately schools were maintaining records and whether students were regularly attending classes as per the required standards.

Moreover, the inspections revealed that certain schools were not adhering to important infrastructure norms set by the CBSE. These norms are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of students, as well as to provide a conducive environment for quality education. Ignoring these guidelines not only compromises the safety of students but also affects the overall quality of education being provided.

In response to these findings, the CBSE issued show-cause notices to 27 schools, which include 22 in Delhi and 5 in the Ajmer region of Rajasthan. These schools have been asked to provide explanations regarding their practices, specifically related to student enrollment, the state of their infrastructure, and their overall compliance with CBSE regulations. The show-cause notices ask the schools to explain how they will fix the problems and make sure they follow the necessary rules.

CBSE Will Continue Inspections in Future

CBSE has emphasized that it will continue to monitor schools closely to ensure that they maintain high educational standards and comply with the regulations set by the Board. The Board has made it clear that schools failing to follow these guidelines will face strict consequences, underscoring its commitment to upholding the quality of education across the country.

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