The COVD19 Pandemic has been devastating. It has killed nearly 3.4 million people around the world, and spread to over 220 countries. In this article, explain why the Wuhan strain is from an Animal Virus, and not from a Lab ! Second, the Variants are caused by different Animals (Vaccine YES, but will solve only 50% of the Problem, Times of India, Ashish Kalra, May 15, 2021).
A. THEORY OF ANIMAL VIRUSES :[A-H] +[H-H Transmission] raise to N
ANIMAL VIRUSES driven by Human Consumption of Animals for the last 80-100 years. Mad Cow Disease was caused due to Human consumption of CATTLE, H5N1 Virus due to Human Consumption of Chiicken (Source: CDC), the Recent H5N8 Virus in RUSSIA (See Gorman, New York Times, "Recent Bird Flu Jumps to Humans, April 21). Prof Lucey, reputed Professor of Pandemics at Georgetown University, mentions "H5N8 is of concern". This is very important.
According to Top Virologists, Dr Stanley Perlman and Anthony Fehr, "Coronaviruses : a review of their Replication and Pathogenesis" (National Library of Medicine)- Coronaviruses cause a variety of Diseases in Mammals & Birds, ranging from Enteritis in COWS & PIGS, upper respiratory disease in CHICKENS These findings are from the Top Virologists in the World. KEY.Variants are caused by the Mega-Multiplier effects of Human Consumption of these Animals. Not from thin air. My hypothesis is that the Variant B1617 (India variant) is caused due to Human Consumption of Chicken. There is Animal-Human Transmission (A-H) and then Human to Human (H-H Transmission) and then (Human-Human Transmission) raise to N. This has happened with several Animal Viruses with (Human to Human Transmission) raise to N- Nipah (1997) Ebola (Bats,1997 &2013), Swine Flu Pandemic (2009)SARS (Civets, 2003), MERS (Camels,2004) & now COVID19.
There was the Deadly Avian Flu in 1959 in China (H2N2) Virus which was caused due to Human Consumption of Ducks (Source: Center for Disease Control). By the time the second wave had ended, the Virus had infected between 250million to a billion people & killed between 1-4 million people (Source : The CoronaVirus, Dr Rajesh Parikh, 2020). Same thing with SARS. Different Animal = Civets in SARS (2002/2003). Same thing with MERS (Camels, 2012/13). Human consumption of Civets. Schematic shown below explains the (H-H Transmission)
Passenger (Pngolin in Wine Sauce) carries the Virus, then spreads it to 60 other passengers on the Plane to New York/Europe/Iran & another 50 people at the Airport; so 3000 people , each passes it on to 100 people each, so now 300,000 people have got the Virus. Spreads Exponentially. See :"Optimization of the Virus" ( )There is Animal-Human Transmission (A-H) & then (Human-Human Transmission) raise to N.The Virus spreads Human Mouth to Mouth. Over very short distances (Aerosol Transmission), could be upto 3m. This helps the Virus spread faster. Exponential. Not Linear. This is the Design of the Virus to affect as many Humans as possible. If the Passenger from Wuhan was to spread it to just say 6 people (who die subsequently), no one would have cared and we would have kept doing performing wrong action. DISRUPTION OF THE ANIMAL FOOD CHAIN IS NECESSARY & CRITICAL (as shown below).
WHY NOT GET RID OF BATS : Bats are an INTEGRAL part of the ANIMAL ECOSYSTEM. They eat harmful mosquitoes and pollinate over 500 Flowers.
F. CONCLUSION :Human Beings and Animals are Different Ecosystems. Animals have "Natural inbuilt mechanisms" to PROTECT themselves from Human Consumption. Human Beings CANNOT encroach on the Animal Ecosystem.
BOTTOMLINE : Human Beings CANNOT encroach on the Animal Ecosystem. Different Ecosystem. Deadly Animal Viruses emerge. Obey the Design of Life.
This Material is copyrighted to Ashish Kalra @2021. Attorneys: DePenning & DePenning. Cannot be be reproduced in any form @Ashish Kalra 2021. ,
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