Government-owned oil companies have announced updated prices for petrol and diesel across various districts in Rajasthan, with the lowest rates observed in Nagaur district. Similarly, in Udaipur, petrol is priced at Rs 109.44 per liter, while diesel is priced at Rs 94.59 per liter. As of Tuesday, February 6, 2024, petrol prices in Nagaur have decreased by Rs 1.26 to reach Rs 108.76 per liter, while diesel prices have seen a decline of Rs 1.15, now standing at Rs 93.97 per liter. This marks the lowest rates for both fuels in the district.
In Jaipur, the capital city, petrol is priced at Rs 108.48 per liter and diesel at Rs 93.72 per liter, with no changes recorded in these rates.
Across several other districts including Banswara, Alwar, Barmer, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Churu, Ganganagar, Jalor, Jodhpur, Kota, Nagaur, Sawai Madhopur, Sirohi, and Tonk, there has been a minor decrease in the prices of both petrol and diesel.
The slight decrease in fuel prices comes as a relief to consumers amidst fluctuations in global oil markets. Citizens across the state are anticipated to benefit from the reduced rates as they continue to navigate economic challenges. The government-owned oil companies regularly update fuel prices based on international market trends and currency fluctuations, aiming to maintain stability in the domestic market while considering the interests of consumers.
Source: Click Here
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