Artist Nimisha Doongarwal

Nimisha Doongarwal of Udaipur wants to create social awareness through her paintings.


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Her Art Journey

Having done her Masters in Fine Arts from Academy of Arts University, Nimisha began her career as a Software Engineer.


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Immigrant Identity

She is originally from Gwalior, India but presently living in San Francisco (US). She works as a Software Engineer but also creates and sells professional art works.


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Nimisha's Artworks

She currently works as a Software Engineer in San Francisco and creates artwork as well. She enjoys painting still life, landscapes, and abstracts. 


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Portrait Of USA 2020

Nimisha's painting Portrait of USA 2020 was selected by the De Young Museum.


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Nimisha's Artworks Recognition

Nimisha has been highlighted in publications and magazines like Forbes, Maake, and Artmarket.


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Lets be Notorious

Recently her work Lets Be Notorious was selected by UCSF National Center of Excellence in Women's Health. Her work was used on postcards.


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Artist From Heart

Even though Nimisha is an Engineer by profession, she still considers herself an artist at heart. She claims that painting brings her peace and that she expresses her feelings through art.
