According to reports in The Washington Post, officials from the Indian Government have pressurised Apple to issue softer hacking attempt messages to its iPhone users. The issue revolves around the recent messages from Apple to users belong to opposition parties in India as well as independent journalists, that their mobile phone are being subject to potential hacking by state-sponsored hackers. This prompted the officials of the ruling BJP to immediately demand a politically softer tone to these messages. Apple, in the meanwhile, said earlier that its messages did not refer to an specific state-sponsored attackers.
"The Government is concerned about this issue and it will get to the botton of it. We have already ordered an investigation into it: - Ashwini Vaishnav, Union IT Minister.
The report in The Washington Post, citing unidentified sources, claimed that the Indian Govt officials invited Apple security experts to discuss the matter. The Apple official stood by the company's warnings to its users, but the executives at Apple HQ in the US are seemingly disturbed about the intensity with which the government is trying to strong arm Apple.
Reportedly, members of opposition parties, specially those belonging to the I.N.D.I.A alliance, and some independent journalists allegedly received emails from Apple warning them of state-sponsored hackers compromising their phones.
Meanwhile, Ashwani Vaishnav, the Hon'ble Union Minister handing the IT portfolio, has expressed concern over the threat notifications from Apple Inc and has also dismissed allegations from the opposition that the government is engaging in attempts to compromise their phones.
Source: Media Reports
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