Students of M.P.U. A .T (Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology) has stepped down from strike on Monday after a protest against the arrest of central student union president (Samundar Singh) and other students & demands of improvement in examination system after a meeting held between the authority and student today.

Today there was a meeting held for discussion on demands (the list of demands is given below). Meeting was between College Dean & Vice Chancellor S.S. Chahal, deans of all respective colleges under MPUAT and Samundra Singh- President of student union, Ankit Trivedi- Secretary of Student Union, Kishan, Bhanuji Chaudhary & Suresh (representing all students). The application of section 144 in campus has raised two sections of thinking caps, including University & Administrative Officers. University Administrations has given caution of not participating in the strike due to section 144. Regional station officer says “campus doesn’t have prohibition orders”. Following is the list of demands.
- Replace the dean of CTAE with the previous dean Dr. Virendra Shrivastava
- There should be statue of Maharana Pratap in MPUAT
- In improvement courses, if a student gets less mark the previous marks should be awarded.
- Marks should not be deducted in re-evaluation. If there are chances of increment in marks it should be awarded and there should not be any average marking system and there should be minimum two backlog system.
- There should be minimum two special backlog papers.
- If the student wants to give improvement paper (maximum two papers) of any semester after 8th semester then he/she should be allowed and it should be treated as in case of special backlog papers. Results of these papers should be declared in 1 month.
- Mid-term of proportionate marks should be awarded in case of backlog and improvement paper whichever is maximum.
- All those who were fined as per order no. CTAE/SS/ on date 1.02.2010 and further order on date 22.04.2010 (i.e. Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 20,000for two semesters and one semester respectively) should be refunded 50% back and the left 50%should be used in conducting a university cultural fest.
- General problems of student will be solved within three days.
- All teaching and non teaching vacancies should be fulfilled as soon as possible.
- Extra fees of second year students should be returned as soon as possible.
- Wi-Fi facility should be provided in each hostel.
- Placement should be conducted for ME students.
- In all colleges of university the examination fees, revaluation fees and backlog fees should be equal (as there is rs. 600 for per evaluation and rs. 600 for per backlog in C.D.F.S.T which is more than the fees of C.T.A.E)
- Examination fees, revaluation fees and backlog fees of all years from first to final should be equal ( i.e. rs. 300 for per revaluation)
For C.D.F.S.T.
- The examination fee of third year is Rs. 900 which should be reduced and made equal to C.T.A.E. examination fees.
- The Canteen should be well-maintained and renovated.
- Wi-fi facility should be provided in hostel.
Results of the meeting are likely to be announced on 13
th April Agriculture University administration has announced on the notice board that if any legal action is taken against any student involved in strike, then college administration can’t be held responsible