Free sports shoes distributed at government school

Free sports shoes distributed at government school

Lions Club Kumbha distributed sports shoes to 25 kids from 9th to 12th class of Fateh Sr. Sec. Government School.


Free sports shoes distributed at government school

Lions Club Kumbha distributed sports shoes to 25 kids from 9th to 12th class of Fateh Sr. Sec. Government School.

Hockey coach Mohammad Taskeen said that these shoes are for all the hockey players who reside in the village. School Principal Manshanker Purohit and Lions Club Kumbha provided for the sports shoes.

Club president Rajdeep Goyal said that the club will continue to help talents kids in the future. Secretary Ajay Sarupriya said that special training and facilities will be provided by the club for kids who have the potential to play at state and national level.

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