- 1565 - Total Positive cases in Udaipur
- 37 - Average number of cases per day in last 7 days
- Total Positive cases rose from 1000 - 1500 in just 17 days
- Number of positive cases in rural areas has risen to 42% in last 68 days as compared to 17% during lockdown
Citing the rising COVID cases in Udaipur, the District Collector Chetan Deora has imposed a complete lockdown over the weekend. The lockdown will be in place from 9pm on Saturday till 5am on Monday, effective 8 August.
In an earlier story, UdaipurTimes had mentioned that such a situation could arise as the cases were rising phenomenally on a relative basis. The numbers go on to show the same. After the first burst of cases in April and May (552), there was a dip in the number of cases in June (151 - average 5 cases per day), followed by an exponential jump in July (601 - averaging at 19 cases per day). The first week of August has shot up through all these averages, with nearly 40 cases per day. The total number of cases was 552 when Unlock 1 began. In 68 days, the number of positive cases has shot up to 1565 for Udaipur. Over 350 cases are active as of now.

In his order, the Collector mentioned that the rising number of cases are attributed to migrants entering the city and upcountry areas of the district. He also mentioned that the lack of adherence to social distancing norms in the district and non adherence to regulations has caused this suddent surge in cases.
The District Collector in his order has exercised his rights to impose a comprehensive lockdown over the weekend. The lockdown, however, will not be applicable on the following:
- Police, District Administration and Government employees who are on active field duty
- Medical and healthcare personnel and para medical personnel on active/emergency duty
- Movement for emergency medical consultation
- Medical stores and pharmacies - owners and staff
- Ambulances, healthcare vehicles, milk vehicles, railway station, bus stand, healthcare facilities, dairy stores, government vehicles
- Transportation to bus stand, railway station, airport. Passengers will have to present their tickets when stopped
- Funeral procession (with limited people)
- Hotels catering to guests and tourists - Restaurants will not be permitted to open
- Marriage ceremony (subject to approval from District Administration)
- Highways and bypasses will be open for traffic

Strict penalty will be imposed on non adherence to the above orders, under Rajasthan Epidemic Ordinance 2020 and sections 269 and 270 of the Indian Penal Code.