
Medhola – your Doctor at Home | Incorporating the Vaidhyan system on App

Now access doctors, nurses, paramedics, medical tests and medical stores directly from your mobile....read more to find out...


Medhola the patient – doctor/nurse aggregation service is doing the rounds in the Startup community.  The App platform has been featured in YourStory.com and is building on the reputation it has created for itself in Udaipur.

Bringing the Viadhyan philosophy to modern times, the app seeks to solve the routine coordination and access issues faced by patients, doctors, nurses, paramedic staff, test labs and medical stores – that of quick access to a service or quick address to a patient or swift transfer of medication or testing facilities, says Gaurav Dhakar, the founder of Medhola. Viadhyan, says Gaurav is a system from ancient India, that understands a patients to be in pain and should not be moved.  The Vaidhyan is called to help the patient.

The idea, seeded in 2016, was nursed by Gaurav, funded through bootstrapping Gaurav’s earlier savings and is now a full fledged App-Logistic platorm that is managed by a team of 10 persons.

Medhola has two sets of clients – the service providers and the patients.  Medhol differentiates itself from other similar app technologies, in that it provides services at any time of the day.  When a person in unwell, the patient or anyone else on his or her behalf can put in a request…and in half an hour, help arrives.  This app differentiates itself in providing services at home immediately rather than asking one to book an available slot.

Click here to Download the UT App

The patient dashboard on the app provides medical history for reference, allows a user to upload a report, prescription, etc, to allow future reference  – an online Patient Health Card.

This app is particularly useful for the elderly or dependent individuals who need to have access to someone to take them to a hospital or a medical store or to a test lab.

Even when operating in Udaipur, Medhola has a network of over 500 services providers, which include medical stores, doctors, nurses and other paramedics.  These service providers are spread over Udaipur and cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta and Bengaluru.


Currently providing services only in Udaipur, Gaurav hopes to take it to other cities across Rajasthan and then across the country.  He is in talks with investors for growth options.

Reference Courtesy: Gaurav Dhakar, YourStory