
Karnataka domicile student first Indian casualty in Ukraine 


As the full scale assault from Russia on Ukraine begins to take shape, the bombing resulted in the death of an Indian student in Kharkiv. The 4th year medical student, who hails from Karnataka, was killed in shelling at Kharkiv. Reportedly he had gone out to purchase groceries when the incident happened.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is conducting a high level meeting on the situation at Ukraine while this news is being published. In the meanwhile, satellite images suggested a 40 mile long Russian military column approaching Kyiv to take control of the capital city as Russia launches a full-scale mission.

Udaipur's Harshil Jinger from Udaipur, who is also a student of Medicine in Kharkiv is also yet to return safely to Udaipur. He had sent a video of the situation a few days earlier when the conflict was in its initial days. 20 students from Udaipur division in the meanwhile have safely been evacuated from Ukraine and have returned safely to Udaipur today.

The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the European Union to prove support for his country, a day after signing an official request to join the EU. India's Foreign Secretary meanwhile has connected with the ambassadors of Ukraine and Russia reiterating the urgent evacuation of Indian nationals in the conflict zones.