
Notices issued to 55 Hotels and Restaurants in the vicinity of Lake Pichhola

Frequent choking of the sewerage lines in the area and overflow of dirty water from man holes


Operators have been instructed to install Grease Chambers within 7 days

The Udaipur Municipal Corporation has issued notices to 55 Restaurants and Hotels operating in the vicinity of Lake Pichhola in Udaipur. UMC has instructed the operators to install Grease Chambers in their properties within 7 days, failing which administrative action will be taken.

As per the Ram Prakash, the Commissioner of the UMC, the municipality had been receiving complaints of frequent chocking of the sewerage lines in the area, leading to dirty water seeping out of the man holes in this area. On investigation, it was discovered that many restaurants and hotels operating in the area, were dumping waste water directly into the sewerage lines without the same going through Grease Chambers as these machines were not present in these properties. The direct dumping led to oil and grease accumulating in the sewerage lines, leading to choking of the lines. In 2023 as well, a similar incident of negligence by the UMC led to dirt concentration in the lake Pichhola.

Ram Prakash instructed the health division of the UMC and Satyanarayan Sharma was asked to issue notices to these 55 hotels and restaurants, to install Grease Chambers in their properties in order to take care of this problem. As per the notice, these operators have been given 7 days to install Grease Chambers, failing which the UMC will immediately take strict administrative action against these properties.

What is a Grease Chamber

The Oil and Grease Chamber or O&G Trap prevents the clogging of sewer by preventing the Oil, Grease fats and solids from going through the sewer.