
Aadhaar Biometric Verification likely to become mandatory for new mobile numbers soon

The Telecommunication Bill, 2023...


The Telecommunication Bill, 2023, which has been approved by both houses of Parliament, introduces a significant change regarding the purchase of mobile SIM cards. Once it receives the President's approval and becomes law, individuals will no longer be able to buy mobile SIM cards without undergoing biometric-based authentication.

Biometric-based authentication means that when you want to get a new SIM card, you will need to verify your identity using unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial features. This is a more secure way of confirming who you are, as opposed to traditional methods like providing identification documents.

The intention behind this new law is to enhance security and reduce the chances of misuse or fraud associated with mobile phone numbers. By linking SIM card purchases to biometric data, it becomes more difficult for individuals to obtain and use SIM cards for illegal activities. 

In simple terms, the new law suggests that to get a new mobile number, you will probably need to share your Aadhaar number and go through fingerprint or eye scan verification, unless the government says otherwise. This rule also applies to people who already have a mobile number..

The exact details about when and where you will need biometric authentication for telecom services aren't clear yet. But right now, Aadhaar is the only ID that allows this type of verification. So, it seems like having Aadhaar might become necessary for mobile SIM users in the future.

So, in the future, when you want to buy a new mobile SIM card, be prepared to undergo a quick biometric verification process to ensure that the phone number is associated with a legitimate and identified user. This measure aims to create a safer and more secure telecommunications environment for everyone.