
Former Google Recruiter's Warning on LinkedIn's 'Open to Work' Banner

"Open to work" banner as the primary red flag for candidates conducting job searches


When exploring new job opportunities on LinkedIn, candidates often employ various strategies to improve their prospects, such as activating the "open to work" feature. Former recruiters from Google and Amazon recommend that job seekers avoid using the "open to work" feature on LinkedIn. A few years ago, this feature was introduced to indicate to recruiters that an individual is actively seeking job opportunities. However, former Google recruiter Nolan Church has advised against using this method, describing the "open to work" banner as the primary red flag for candidates conducting job searches.

He explained to CNBC that it is commonly believed that the highest caliber individuals are usually not actively searching for job opportunities. Church, who spent close to three years at Google, told the publication that showcasing the green "open to work" badge on profile photos suggests that the individual is open to considering any type of role without specific preferences or restrictions.

As reported by the outlet, Lindsay Mustain, previously a recruiter at Amazon who is now a career coach, aligns with Church's viewpoint. In her conversation with the outlet, Mustain highlighted that recruiters prefer candidates to be sought after, rather than actively pursuing recruiters themselves. She described the hiring process as being driven by power dynamics. In such a case, showing the "open to work" badge on your profile could give the recruiter the impression that because you are in need of something from them, they have the upper hand in the conversation.

Do all recruiters view the banner as a warning sign?

However, some recruiters see the banner as advantageous, especially for small businesses. Some companies may not have access to LinkedIn's recruiter-specific tools, and this banner helps them identify candidates who are actively seeking employment.

LinkedIn information regarding the "open to work" indicator

According to the outlet, over 33 million people on LinkedIn are currently utilizing the "open to work" feature. Moreover, individuals displaying this indicator have a 20% higher chance of receiving messages from the wider LinkedIn community.

Source- Money Control