3rd Sex Racket busted in a fortnight

3rd Sex Racket busted in a fortnight

District police has busted the 3rd Sex racket in less than a fort night and have arrested 3 women under Sections of PITA for allegedly running sex trade

3rd Sex Racket busted in a fortnight

District police has busted the 3rd Sex racket in less than a fort night and have arrested 3 women under Sections of PITA for allegedly running sex trade.

Team from Surajpol Police, led by DySP Madhuri Verma raided a house at Guru Ramdas Colony on Thursday afternoon and nabbed three women including the pimp.  On the information of sources an undercover cop Vishnu Sharma was sent to the location as a bogus costumer.  After verifying the activities going on inside and after finalizing the fake deal for Rs.1000 cash he immediately informed his team outside the house, following which the team raided the house and nabbed the culprits.

Verma added that during initial interrogation the key accused and owner of the house Mahendra Kaur revealed that she is into this trade from last few months and use to share the pictures of girls using Wattsapp.  Once a girl was selected by the customer she either sent her with the customer or arranged a room at her house in Guru Ramdas Colony.  She also revealed that most of the girls were sent by her to businessmen at Nathudwara and Rajsamand and even one of the girl is was at Nathudwara with 1 of the customer during the raid.

Kaur also informed the police that among the arrested girls one belongs to Kota and 1 is a resident of Pratap Nagar area of the city.

Police has booked the three women under sections of PITA and their interrogation is still going on, where as the efforts to catch the absconding girl is underway.

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