4 arrested in sex racket

4 arrested in sex racket

Bursting a sex racket, Surajpol Police arrested 3 girls and a man from a hotel, situated on Gulab Bagh road. The arrested girls and the man is booked under sections of PITA Act. The names of the people involved and the role of hotel owner is yet to be known.


4 arrested in sex racket

Bursting a sex racket, Surajpol Police arrested 3 girls and a man from a hotel, situated on Gulab Bagh road. The arrested girls and the man is booked under sections of PITA Act. The names of the people involved and the role of hotel owner is yet to be known.

On Wednesday, cops of Special Police Force got the tip-off about the activities of the sex trade. Upon receiving the information, an undercover was sent to the hotel as a bogus customer. The pimp Rajesh Udasi showed him 3 girls and after choosing one, the undercover went upstairs into the room. After the confirmation of the activities of the accused, he intimated the police who raided the hotel and nabbed the girls along with the pimp, said DySP Madhuri Verma.

Madhuri also added that during the initial interrogation of the accused, it came to light that two of the girls were from Mumbai and other girl was from Kolkata who had visited Udaipur for the first time.

The pimp Rajesh was in this business for the last 2 years and had contacts with many girls. He used to call them to Udaipur and supply them to the customers, according to their demand, informed DySP.

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