Illicit Rave Party Busted at Udaipur – Owner on the Run

Illicit Rave Party Busted at Udaipur – Owner on the Run

Udaipur police raided a large scale organized illicit Rave party at Udai Palace Resort situated at Barapaal,in the Goverdhan Vilas police station circle of Udaipur.


Illicit Rave Party Busted at Udaipur – Owner on the Run

Udaipur police raided a large scale organized illicit Rave party at Udai Palace Resort situated at Barapaal,in the Goverdhan Vilas police station circle of Udaipur.

80 people including 16 call girls and pimps were arrested on the spot, while the resort owner his Manager are on the run.

All the accused have been booked under various sections of the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA).

Police got the tip off about the party on Sunday night after which a huge team of Police led by Deputy SPRanu Sharma and Circle Inspector Abdul Rehman rushed to the scene and entered the resort, which was found to be locked.  Following a set pre-defined procedure, 2 undercover Cops under the guise of customers entered the party and later informed the raiding team, DySP Ranu said.

Illicit Rave Party Busted at Udaipur – Owner on the Run

As per the DySP, when the raiding team entered the resort, a substantial number of men and women were found in a hall in compromising and inebriated conditions.  When the team went to the upper part of the Resort, a few drunken men and women were found in swimming pools attached to two cottages.  All of them were arrested and shifted to the Police Station.

During the raid police also found the wife of the accused owner of the resort in a separate room, and was arrested as party to the crime.  When questioned about her presence on the location at that time, she said that she was the care taker of the resort.  Police impounded cash and a few keys from the lady.

On further investigation it was found that the party was divided into 2 categories namely Standard and Medium having separate levels of facilities depending upon the fees. At Medium level a common hall had been provided where all men and women were together and celebrating.  In the Standard package, separate cottages had been provided to selected groups where they were enjoying themselves with girls and liquor, the DySP informed.

Police also learnt that key accused, owner of the resort, Pankaj Bansal had organized the party through 3 pimps who invited professional girls from different areas of the country including Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Neemach, Delhi and Agra.  All the men who were present at the gathering were businessmen mainly from the Textile and Marble industry, as per the DySP.

The pimps who were arrested in the raid were identified as Ajay Dadhich of Jhodhpur, Wakil alias Sanjay Panchaal of Walsaad Village of Gujarat and Arjun and his wife Assu of Sector 14 of Hiran Magri area of Udaipur, said DySP while addressing media.

DySP Ranu Sharma, informed that the owner of the resort Pankaj Bansal is a History Sheeter named in the Goverdhan Vials police station and is having 6 cases of fraud and gambling registered on his name.  He somehow managed to escape from the scene during the raid but the hunt for his arrest is still on whereas the interrogation of the arrested accused is still going on.

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