MLSU Organizes workshop on Comet of the Century “ISON”
Large set of student community along with faculty and staff of MLSU took the opportunity of witnessing, what has been termed as, Comet of the Century, ISON.
Large set of student community along with faculty and staff of MLSU took the opportunity of witnessing, what has been termed as, Comet of the Century, ISON.
The comet named after the telescope with which it was first spotted – International Scientific Optical Network. The comet appeared on the horizon in the eastern part of the city from around 6.30am to 6.45 am.
For optical viewing and for scientific observation, a 6 inch telescope was placed on the terrace of the administrative block of MLSU by the IRC team (IUCAA Research Center).
A large number of students of University college of Science, MLSU and central teaching staff and non-teaching staff members gathered to get a glimpse of the comet, ISON.
To spread awareness and deeper knowledge on the comet, Professor S.N.A Jaffrey, Head of Physics Department organized for a two-day workshop, starting today. The workshop had participation from more than 50 students from the science stream.
Professor Jaffrey informed that Professor Ranjiv Mishra , Scientist of IULA, Pune was the Chief Guest and the he inaugurated the workshop. The workshop was headed by Professor Mahip Bhatnagar, Dean Science College. As part of the inaugural program, a series of lectures were delivered to the participants to highlight the salient features of ISON Comet.
Professor Ranjiv delivered a lectured on the topic of Black Hole in Universe and Professor Jaffrey deliberated on the physical properties and other features of the comets in general and of ISON comet in particular.
In the afternoon session, the participating students had an interation with Professor Ranjiv Mishra and Professor Jaffrey wherein they discussed the need of research and its potential in Laboratories of Astronomy and Astro Physics in India and abroad.
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