WhatsApp: Check out the following SHORTCUTS for Formatting Options

WhatsApp: Check out the following SHORTCUTS for Formatting Options

Bullet Points, Numbering, Block Quotes, Inline Code formats...

WhatsApp Edit Button Feature

 The world’s most used social connect messaging platform WhatsApp is enhancing its features on a regular basis. In this sequence, the team has been working on making texting features more format friendly. The basic formatting such as Bold, Italics, Mono and Strikethrough have been in place for quite some time now.

WhatsApp has enabled additional text formatting features, the shortcuts to which are explained below:

1. You can now give bullet lists in your text. To do the same, the Message  must be prefixed with a hyphen (-). For eg.

- Bread

- Eggs

- Butter

Will look like:

  • Bread
  • Eggs
  • Butter

2 Bullet Lists can also be shown as numbered lists. For this simply type the numeral 1.Your Text and press Enter, and it will become a numbered list… like.

  1. Bread
  2. Eggs
  3. Butter

3. A specific part of the message can be Block quoted by prefixing the message with a > sign followed by a space. For eg.

> Toast Bread…

Will show as | Toast Bread

4. Accordingly a Text word, or sentence prefixed and suffixed with a ` will create an Inline Code format.

5. Bold (Prefix and Suffix with "*"); Italic (Prefix and Suffix with "_") Monospace (Prefix and Suffix with "`") and Strikethrough (Prefix and Suffix with "~") are known to all users already

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