On Monday, Chief Electoral Officer Naveen Mahajan conducted a video conference with district and sub-district election officers across the state. The meeting focused on reviewing the brief special voter list revision program and the house-to-house survey work.
Mahajan emphasized the importance of including voters who will turn 18 by the eligibility date of October 1. He explained the process for adding these new voters to the list and how to group them, as well as download EPICs (Election Photo Identity) through VHA.
The meeting checked how well the house-to-house surveys were going. Districts with slower progress were told to speed up their work. The deadline for finishing the surveys is September 20, 2024.
Additional instructions included verifying polling stations, ensuring minimum facilities, resolving pending voter list applications, reviewing polling booths with over 1,500 voters, and proposing new polling stations.
In Udaipur, key officials including District Election Officer and Collector Arvind Poswal, ADM Administration and Sub-District Election Officer Deependra Singh, RO Udaipur and ADM City Rajeev Dwivedi, and RO Udaipur Rural and SDM Girwa Riya Dabi joined the conference.
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