"Environment, history and cities are being auctioned in the tourism market, if nature is destroyed then nothing will be left" - MLA Vishwaraj Singh Mewar
स्वच्छता श्रमदान व महाशीर मछली संरक्षण संवाद आयोजित
मंडी शुल्क एवं कृषक कल्याण शुल्क को समाप्त करने की मांग
Justice Amit Mahajan raises concerns over misuse of Section 498A IPC saying it contributes to an increasing burden on the judiciary and leads to unnecessary suffering for the accused
केंद्रीय श्रम और रोज़गार मंत्रालय के ई-श्रम पोर्टल के अनुसार असंगठित क्षेत्र से जुड़े देश में करीब तीस करोड़ से अधिक मज़दूर रजिस्टर्ड हैं।
Passengers faced inconvenience, but flight operations resumed once conditions improved
A Charkha Feature by: Sunil Saini, Jaipur, Rajasthan
by: शारदा लुहार, बीकानेर, राजस्थान
Student bodies like ABVP and NSUI were estabished for a reason... this is the time when they need to come into action and not just play on the directions of their parent party's political agenda...It
Swaroop Sagar and lake Pichola were cleaned of weed...
Out of the ten rivers that drain plastic debris into the seas gobally, three are in India
Contributed by: Kezar Ali Shah
She had not eaten the whole day...
India's platform of a sound democray is uninterrupted since independence with no military takeover and with strong democratic roots for which it is acclaimed and applauded all over the world. Across
The tuna sandwich that you love so much and crave for very often may not actually have tuna in it.
WHO has warned that the people who are not yet vaccinated could be at a greater risk from the new variants like Delta.
The Demonic Trio of slurry, dust and exhaust are the biggest problems. Their dispersal in the Jhamri river is taking toxic contents to Jhamarkotda dam and Jai Samand and hence creating many health ha